Do this by capturing flags and killing enemies. Currently, Ravenfield is a single player battlefield style game, where the objective of the game is to beat your enemy team’s score by 200 points. In this game, you will take control of a BLUE soldier, whose goal is to defeat the REDs. Ravenfield is an upcoming first person shooter game complete with various vehicles, terrain physics, and ragdoll physics.

Rally your soldiers and stay close to your brothers in arms! Take down the pesky REDS in this action packed first person shooter game – Ravenfield! Capture flags, fly helicopters, ride a tank, and do everything you can to win your team! HOW TO DOWNLOAD RAVENFIELD ON PC AND WINDOWS FOR FREE - YouTube 0:00 / 2:59 HOW TO DOWNLOAD RAVENFIELD ON PC AND WINDOWS FOR FREE 5,334 views this is a step by step guide.